MTV Base is dedicated to the world of R&B and Hip-Hop music from around the world, showcasing new and emerging talent.
MTV Base represents the best of R&B and Hip Hop music, from the UK and worldwide, with the latest videos, exclusive interviews and artist profiles, so much so that no other channel can give you the opportunity to reach the target audiences' appetite for urban music and the lifestyle like MTV Base.
MTV Base is seen to lead and define urban music , offering the ultimate urban orientated viewing experience, essential to urban music followers in the UK.
The perfect environment to build brand attitude.
VBS can create a unique promotional package to match your marketing objectives and budget. The usual sponsorship package uncludes front credit (10 secs) and end credit (10 secs), with (5 secs) in and out of each scheduled break. The (5 sec) credit is also attached to all promotional trails for the programming. However, VBS can also create bespoke live advertisements for your brand, to run in commericial airtime. There are also opportunities to develop ad funded programming, create micro sites and sponsor the MTV Base Tour and for MTV Base Lounge events planned for 2009.
Clients such as Emporio Armani and Motorola have previously sponsored MTV Base events, and clients such as Adidas and Nike have partnered with MTV Base to develop ad funded programming: 'Adidas Gimme The Ball', 'Nike Battlegrounds', 'Nike Freestyler' and 'Nike Just Add Moves'. These ad funded programmes have rated excellently and is firmly recognised by the industry and viewers as the only completely dedicated urban music channel in the UK - the home of urban music.
Launched in July 1999, MTV Base is the fastest growing music genre in the UK and has increased its viewership by over 25% in the last year, making it the third most watched music channel in the UK.