The Marketing Society Inspiring Better Marketing
The Marketing Society is a brilliant network of senior marketers. Over the past 50 years they have emerged as one of the most influential drivers of marketing and are now a 2600 strong member network with a national programme of approximately 60 events per year. They challenge their members to think differently and to be bolder marketing leaders by supporting the development of leading-edge thinking and promoting the evidence of effective marketing.
They do this through The Marketing Society Awards for Excellence, a national programme of world-class events, innovative professional development, such as the annual Marketing Leaders Programme and extensive on-and-offline networking opportunities. You will be able to contribute to discussions and share best practice with their LinkedIn group, following on Twitter and their Blog, the curator of the best and most insightful marketing, written by industry experts and the place for all good conversations about marketing.
Getmemedia.com is delighted to work in partnership with The Marketing Society to help grow their member’s knowledge of the media industry. We are also pleased to sponsor The Marketing Society’s Member Welcome Evenings.
To find out more or to apply for membership, visit their website