Use GP Waiting Room media led to a positive financial impact for Nicorette.
IDS Media UK provides 'at the point of care' communication channels and media solutions through 5000+ GP waiting rooms nationwide. Smoking cessation brand Nicorette used IDS Media UK leaflet media to increase brand awareness and drive sales over a 3 month period. Evaluation was needed to identify the OTC impact of IDS UK media activity.
Boost peak smoking cessation period sales and sustain uplift over the following months.
Nicorette displayed leaflets within 5000+ GP surgery waiting rooms nationwide. Pharmacies closest to these sites were isolated and a control group created to allow EPOS data comparison.
The Introduction of the IDS leaflet displays had a positive financial effect and delivered strong ROI. The impact of the leaflet displays was greatest during the peak smoking cessation season, but consistent uplifts were also seen in the longer term. Long term ROI was calculated at £1.00:£4.21 and incremental sales scaled to total coverage (immediate vicinity stores only) equalled £105,133.
Use of IDS UK media had a significant sales impact within surrounding pharmacies. The GP waiting room holds a captive audience who experiences an average 20 minute dwell time. IDS UK media utilises this unique opportunity to reach the 31 million patients registered at their sites. OTC campaigns are particularly relevant and timely as pharmacy visits closely follow GP surgery appointments.