Audi utilises the power of radio to reconnect with their drivers and gain new business
The Audi brand was looking to reconnect with their owners, whilst driving additional business to their showrooms. To do this a campaign was created offering both new and existing Audi owners a free MOT, for simply signing up online, enabling both of these objectives to be met as sales increased and the sign up procedure allowed Audi to collect their details for the database. Radio was a clear choice for this campaign as it offered the chance to speak to drivers whilst they were in the car, a time where they are more likely to be thoughtful about the needs of their vehicle.
Reconnect with current owners and drive new business.
The campaign initially ran over a period of two weeks using a mix of local and national stations, focused on the latter days of the week when owners were less likely to be absorbed by work issues, and more inclined to think about plans for the weekend. Simultaneously, ads ran across Google with the offer, to be sure of catching the owners when they started to search online. Radio was an ideal medium because it could offer national coverage with local augmentations for key dealer areas, and radio has a strong track record in driving traffic online.
Free MOT signups rose over 400% during the campaign period, and the uplift continued for another two weeks after the end of the campaign. This fed through into increased after sales business in the dealerships. The results were so positive that two further bursts of activity were then set up for later in the year.
"Radio enabled us to reach a nationwide audience in a relevant manner" James Millett, National Communications Manager, Audi