The One Million One hundred package is a new low entry cost combination in just 100 gyms, leisure and sports venues.
In Situ has 800 Leisure Centres nationwide in the UK all with a combination of targeted formats available. This package is a low entry cost coverage building block which enables clients to buy into the platform exactly pro-rata to full national cover. The One Million One Hundred package will reach one million people in one hundred top gyms, leisure and sports venues. This is exactly 12.5% of the total In Situ audience in 2 weeks with 18 impacts per person.
Using this package, clients can trial the In Situ platform and measure awareness growth as well as intention to purchase. The combination of 6 sheets in the key areas and A2s in the changing rooms will ensure that client's campaign cannot be missed. It is a sure fire way of measuring how a brand or message is establishing itself amongst core audiences
In Situ campaigns have a proven track record in generating awareness and intention to purchase. TGI shows that Word of Mouth also features very strongly amongst Leisure Centre Goers. Leisure Centre goers are 50% more likely than normal to be "Very Likely to Convince Others about..." a broad range of categories from healthy living to mobile phones to clothing and food.
The One Million One Hundred is a new low entry cost combination in just 100 venues. However many advertisers have used lower cost options from in Situ - Flora Buttery 236 SLCs, Weight Watchers 225 SLCs, Dolmio Stir-In 100 SLCs, Halo n Horns 100 SLCs. This package idea will suit Films,DVD's, TV programmes, Back to School, Trainers and Footwear, All sports related products and services.
- No other media platform offers this unique combination of benefits
- Leisure centres are academies of sport & fitness
- A generic audience in a totally positive mindset
- A range of dominant display & experiential options/formats
- Exclusive campaigns - no rival competitor brands
- Highest dwell times of up to 90 minutes
- Highest share of voice 1:4 as opposed to 1:50 roadside and 1:15 on TV.