Gold award winning Research from this years Media Week Awards! How the use of radio raised brand browsing figures by 52%
For many brands in the digital age, the internet has become an incredibly important interface for customer marketing. However, the internet also
allows access to all your rivals' brands, so the key challenge is to ensure that customers seek out your brand specifically, and not just your generic
sector. Radio: The Online Multiplier is a unique new single-source study that was set up to quantify how exposure to radio advertising influences brand.
browsing behaviour online.
Based on this historical learning, the important questions we set out to address with The Online Multiplier Study were: 1. To what extent does radio advertising in the real world exercise a measurable effect on the way listeners browse brands online? 2. What types of radio campaigns are most
effective in this respect? 3. How can brands optimise their campaign
effectiveness in driving people online?
This insight was gained by analysing the detailed internet browsing patterns of people who were exposed to a random sample of 23 'live' radio
campaigns, and comparing them to a sample of people who were not exposed. The campaigns measured in the study represent five different
product categories: Travel; Telecomms; Motors; Insurance; High Street Stores.
- Exposure to radio advertising boosts brand browsing by an average of 52%
- Radio is on average 4x more cost-effective at stimulating brand browsing online than other media combined - Uplifts vary widely between brands - the best performer achieves cost-effectiveness of 12x other media - There are significant differences in uplift across different sectors, with brands in web-centric categories performing better on average.
Radio has an immediate effect on browsing - over half of browsing that we identified as having been stimulated by radio takes place within 24 hours of exposure to advertising. Radio creative work is crucial in optimising Radio's
Online Multiplier Effect: the radio campaigns which delivered the highest effect on browsing clearly communicated a simple proposition and
used strong brand linkage, especially if integrated with advertising in other media. Please see attached document for details of results and key learnings.