Integrate your brand with the iconic Pearl & Dean visual and sonic logo at the end of every ad reel
Integrate your brand within the Pearl & Dean ident (up to 20 seconds), featuring at the very end of the advertising reel and directly before the trailers start. Enhance the branding campaign with a call to action onscreen and support the activity with off-screen pack of standees / leaflets.
Target media savvy audiences by appearing in an unusual and creative advertising space
Over a 6 week period, advertisers can remix the famous Pearl & Dean signature tune to fit in with their creative approach. The 'ident' slot allows complete advertiser standout, featuring right at the end of the advertising reel and just prior to the trailers (93% of cinemagoers watch the trailers). On-screen activity can be supported with a whole range of foyer support.
Smirnoff used the legendary Pearl & Dean sonic logo ident as part of their campaign to promote a series of sponsored dance events throughout the UK. Their creative in the closing Pearl & Dean ‘pah pah pah pah’ led directly into a special 90 second spot in the 'Outside the Reel' position.
This amazing creative was followed up with leafleting in cinemas in key cities, further emphasising cinema's ability to target regionally as well as nationally. Results were fantastic, with awareness of the Smirnoff experience levels at 65% cinema vs 13% TV viewers
CInema delivers as the Ultimate Impact medium. Where else can your brand sit alongside such blockbusters as Harry Potter, King Kong or James Bond? Is it any wonder that cinema is up to 5 times more memorable than TV!. Benefit from being the last advertising message (besides Orange) the viewer will see before the main feature, along with being seen in unexpected places with a proven positive effect on recall and awareness of advertising message.