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Key insights into mobile, media consumption and more for 16-19's

Provided by JazzyMedia
JazzyMedia conducts trend research to better understand our Youth audience, their lifestyles and expectations from our media.

What was the Challenge / Background of the Campaign?

We know that 16-19's are a difficult to reach audience. To achieve cut-through we need to have an understanding of their lifestyle, what they want to hear about & when they want to hear about it. For example, when we asked students what they wanted to hear about through our media space, 70% said they wanted information on new mobile handsets & rewards. So when a mobile operator chose to use our medium to tell students about their new scheme (where they could get rewards towards the cost of a new mobile phone), it was not a surprise that there was a huge amount of interest!

What was the Campaign Objective?

Campaign objectives differ by product or service. In the case of the mobile operator they were looking to raise awareness of their new reward scheme and prompt students to take action / find out more. We certainly achieved this with high awareness levels and 21% of students interviewed saying that they had visited the client's website in the past month

What was the Solution?

The client used 6-Sheet Poster displays in Sixth Form common rooms, Colleges and FE's nationwide for a 2 week period.

What were the Results?

We received fantastic feedback from tutors and students"The students keep asking for more posters - they like them. (Larkmead School) "This is a very apt campaign for the students."(Richard Huish College). The post campaign research proved that the campaign was highly relevant and had increased awareness AND prompted action, with minimal wastage. If you would like to receive a copy of the research which includes insights into mobile phone penetration, social networking and technology then contact JazzyMedia now.

What were the Key Learnings of this Campaign?

It is vitally important that you only talk about products and services relevant to this audience. Besides mobile phones, our audience has told us that they want to hear about Events and Festivals (66%), High Street Discounts (65%) and Discount websites (57%). To find out if students are interested in your product or service contact JazzyMedia now.

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BudgetReach & FrequencyTarget AudienceMedia Used
£0 to £50kReach circa 450,000 students
16 - 24Both
Campaign LocationCampaign DurationMarketing ObjectiveCampaign Type
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