Advertorial space available as well as standard ads running in print, online and mobile
Weight Watchers offers a variety of lifestyle products and services to assist weight loss and maintenance. They attract a vast audience of members through Weight Watchers meetings, online subscribers, and other potential dieters. Unanimis offers unique online advertising opportunities and bespoke packages across the UK's largest exclusive brand portfolio.
Online Opportunities: Leaderboard, MPU, Sky, Newsletter and Advertorial, 800k unique users per month and 12m page impressions per month Mobile Opportunities: Standard banner on article & recipe pages, 825,000 downloads to date. Magazine Opportunities: Advertorial Sponsorship to take advantage of the Circulation; 203,566 and; Readership 971,000. Opportunities in 'Your Weekly' magazine: Back cover Ad Placement. Your Weekly distributed among the 6,500 Weight Watcher meetings held across the UK.
Great for brands with positioning as a diet brand - or for brands who want to promote a healthy message. Previous advertisers include: Ryvita, Bio Oil, Sony Music, Mushrooms, Nicorette and Muller Light
Take advantage of geo & demographic targeting, keyword targeting, and article sponsorship. There are 800k unique users per month, 12m page impressions per month, Over 75% of the Weight Watchers female audience is under 55 years of age with a social demographic of A/B/C1. Become associated with a respected brand.