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Chuck: Exclusive Opportunity To Sponsor Sky Living Series

Provided by Sky Media
Sky Living peak time series 'Chuck' sponsorship opportunity with high potential of a multi-media cross platform expansion.

Tell us about the Opportunity / What is it?

An exclusive opportunity to sponsor Sky's Sky Living channel for the fourth series of the popular American action- comedy 'Chuck'. The series is scheduled to air from 31st March- 16th June 2011 on Thursday evenings at peak time sixty minute slots. There is potential to expand the sponsorship association with Chuck through a multi-media crossplatform campaign which would immerse the viewer further into the series.

What is the Marketing Objective?

The audience market targeted specifically for this series are women aged 16 to 44 years, and the sponsorship opportunity would be to build brand awareness, encourage consumers to try new products or create brand attitude.

How does it work?

The sponsor should want to promote to mainly women aged 16 to 44 years old, with adult males also as indirect targets. The sponsor will have 1 X 15 seconds in the opening credits, break bumpers of 2 X 5 seconds per centre break (normally 3 centre breaks per 1 hour show) and 1 X 15 seconds closing credit time. 12 X 60 minute episodes (numbers 13- 24) will air between 31st March to 16th June 2011, and the sponsor would receive logo accreditation on all program specific trailers that are equal to or greater than 20 seconds in length.

Who's used it in the past?

Please contact for details.

Features / Benefits

The sponsor will receive the benefit of having on- air, peak viewing slots once a week, plus additional repeat air time, and will receive logo accreditation on all program specific trailers that are equal to or greater than 20 seconds in length. The sponsor will have 1 X 15 seconds in the opening credits, break bumpers of 2 X 5 seconds per centre break (normally 3 centre breaks per 1 hour show) and 1 X 15 seconds closing credit time. There is high potential to expand the sponsorship association with Chuck through a multi-media crossplatform campaign

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Guide PriceReach & FrequencyTarget AudienceMedia Types
Contact for detailsWomen Aged 16- 44
16 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
LocationTimingsMarketing ObjectiveOpportunity Type
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