The British Heart Foundation used non-traditional outdoor to effectively promote a Teen Health campaign to 11-14 year olds.
The British Heart Foundation developed a terrific on-line game where children and teens were invited to create an avatar of themselves and then experiment with a range of diet and exercise regimes to see what the physical effects of their actions might be. The challenge was to get this difficult to reach audience to take notice of the campaign, recognise the important lifestyle message and join in!
To ensure that Secondary school Head Teachers knew about the Yoobot resource and that as many 11-14 years as possible talked about Yoobot, visited the website, played the game and ultimately learnt about the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Through JazzyMedia Trend Research we identified that this age group are subject to a lot of peer pressure,with 50% of pupils drinking alcohol and 22% being offered drugs by the age of 16 (Source JazzyMedia Research 11-15 year olds, 2009).
JazzyMedia distributed A5 postcards designed to look like tickets/invites to an exclusive and exciting location (Yoobot online) directly to children and teens (11-14 years) in Secondary schools nationwide. The postcards encouraged the audience to check out the site both at home and during the school day.
The activity directly reached 300,000 pupils aged 11-14 years in 488 Secondary schools nationwide. There was great feedback from teachers and pupils who said that the resource brought the importance of a healthy lifestyle to life. Teacher and pupil comments and photographs were captured in the post campaign report alongside a list of schools that participated in the activity. The Client was delighted; stating that 'JazzyMedia allowed The British Heart Foundation to reach teens and create discussion around this important message in an integrated and engaging way!'.
JazzyMedia provided The British Heart Foundation with the opportunity to reach their target audience within just one week - delivering high awareness and real buzz in a very short period of time. It was clear from the activity that teacher's are constantly looking for quality resources to make their classrooms more interactive and engaging and are open to external resources, if supplied by a trusted source such as JazzyMedia. We also found that children and teens are open to health and wellbeing messages as long as they are delivered in a responsible and relevant way.