MADE Advertising assist in generating a consumer buzz amongst mums about an innovative new product - Denim Nappies.
How could MADE assist in generating a consumer buzz amongst mums about an innovative new product - Denim Nappies & drive trial of the nappy pant format? How could MADE use the recognisable symbolism of 'DENIM' as a sign of youthful (toddler) rebellion and exuberance? What could MADE do to highlight the celebrity endorsement?
How could MADE effectively generate 'WOM' and fuel the hype within Huggies key target audience whilst at the same time being informative and precise in the message delivered?
To generate awareness and desirability towards Huggies.
Creating a 'need' from mums towards the trendy huggies designs as well as letting them know that the denim nappy exists
MADE sourced a vacant retail unit and created a pop up store which was situated on the highly fashionable Westbourne Grove next to chic stores such as Joseph, Ralph Lauren and within walking distance from the world renowned Portobello Road market
Bespoke graphics totally transformed the empty shell into a Huggies Concept Store!
To launch the product a one off celebrity endorsed baby fashion show took place with a guest appearance on the cat walk by Austin Healy and his two young twins
"Real" mums and their children were the models chosen from a competition
Due to the underlining success of the baby fashion show and interest within the area the Huggies Rock n' Roll store remained open to the general public for a further 3 days! Over 1500 target mum interactions over a 4 day period generating a buzz and WOM. Highly successful execution of campaign that continuously drew interest from members of the general public. Over 400 samples delivered to the public over a 3 day period in which consumer was educated with key dates.
Passing consumers consistently queried Brand Ambassadors as to what the store was.
MADE received endless compliments on the unique and innovative approach to generating awareness of the launch of the product from the target consumer. Consumer comments include: "They look really cool, and they'll be just right for the Summer" - Mother of two; "The store looks cool, is it going to be here full time? It would be handy for round here" - Father of one; "This is a great idea! I still can't believe there is a shop for nappies!" - Mother of three.