CASE STUDY: Levi's 501 Live Unbuttoned

Provided by Kommando
Targeted pan-European re-launch activity for Levi's 501 promoting the European premiere of 4 iconic new films for Levi's.

What was the Challenge / Background of the Campaign?

For the first time in Levi's history the re-brand of 501 launched with a global ad campaign entitled Levi's Unbuttoned meaning to emotionally unbutton oneself and to unbutton the iconic 501 button fly jeans. Forming part of cinema and TV, Kommando delivered, executed and designed European street cinema using hand held video projectors and Bluetooth mobile technology to promote and encourage visitors to the Levi's 501 website, where promotional Levi's videos were being premiered online.

What was the Campaign Objective?

To engage with style - conscious 20 somethings across 11 European Cities in one weekend. Drive traffic online to where for the first time Levi's films were being premiered online. Create street noise about the online premiere in target locations. Generate viral word of mouth surrounding the iconic films and the re-branding of 501. Increase campaign reach and reduce wastage by taking the promotion to the streets in face-to-face activity in style led European cities.

What was the Solution?

Weekend street evening activity targeting 11 European cities simultaneously using mobile hand held video projectors with Bluetooth technology. Guerrilla technologies were used to roam, follow footfall and target busy city centre locations. Mobile hand held projectors were used to project live video content onto the busy street canvases showcasing the web address and call to action for Levi's 501 video online premiere. Bluetooth technology was used to send unique mobile messages to mobile handsets driving traffic online.

What were the Results?

Successful street cinema generating over 43,000 online visits to the premiere website and 10,000 mobile phone Bluetooth messages recieved with 50% of recipients requesting the downloadable link to view the online premiere via their mobile phone. A world first multi-country and mult-language Bluetooth campaign and street cinema showcase in over 11 European countries generating massive media noise and viral talk-up. Creative use of Guerrilla Marketing without harm to the reputation of the Levi's brand reputation.

What were the Key Learnings of this Campaign?

Success in marketing to the style conscious 20 something in an out of home environment. Through using innovative technology which measured against traditional produces a greater response and interest from Levi's target market by providing an interactive platform with the ability to view communications online there and then at the point of the message being displayed. Regardless of European cultures, language barriers and regulations, successful Guerrilla marketing activity was carried out without harm to the brand and without any permission based contraversy.

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BudgetReach & FrequencyTarget AudienceMedia Used
£51k to £100kUrban, Fashion-conscious 20-30 somethings
16 - 24
25 - 34
Campaign LocationCampaign DurationMarketing ObjectiveCampaign Type
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