Exclusive to Virgin One this highly anticipated series follows Sarah Connor and her son John, trying to prevent Armageddon.
Opportunity to have complete ownership of the UK's Premiere of Terminator:Sarah Connor Chronicles on Virgin 1 & Bravo. This highly anticipated show has attracted 18.3m viewers on its premiere episode in the States. Opportunity to reach a young upmarket male audience with channel marketing an estimated 30 million viewers. Set after the events in Terminator 2 Sarah & her son John, now 15 years-old,knows that he may be the future saviour of mankind, but isn't yet ready to take on the mantle of leadership that he's told is his destiny and confront the threats from the future.
Potential sponsor to have credits around all Sarah Connor Chronicles content including repeats across Virgin 1 and Bravo. Largest Marketing campaign for programme for Virgin media television. Terrestrial and Multichannel tv commercial campaign support. National roadside outdoor campaign. National press campaign - Across Key titles. Plus Magazine activity planned. Online campaign - online viral, mobile viral, banner support campaign around launch. Over £1m...
This is a brand new series so is a new opportunity.
Virgin media is offering the opportunity to become the Broadcast Sponsor of Terminator "Sarah Connor Chronicles" Reportedly the biggest action drama of the year the broadcast sponsorship gives a brand the opportunity of associating itself with a major iconic film-Terminator a classic brand in its own right. The sponsorship will provide access to a highly targeted young upmarket male audience both on Virgin1 and Bravo, an audience that is traditionally considered highly elusive.Virgin media are supporting this with an estimated marketing budget of over £1 million.