Social ICE is your own fully featured social network. Build an engaged community that is owned by you and has your branding
Social ICE (Interactive Community Engagement) provides independent, client-branded social networking platforms to brands, communities and organisations that want to generate value from their own community content and engagement, rather than allowing it to be commercialised by other "3rd party" social networks like LinkedIn & Facebook.
The Social ICE platform is complementary to your existing website strategy. It doesn't replace the website but performs an important and additional function. The best communities are dialogues between likeminded people connected by a passion or interest. Discussion tends to be two-way and networked. Vibrant and growing communities tend to be based upon great and valued content generated and shared by the members. Websites tend to be one-way, broadcasts, on behalf of brands, products, organisations - they are important, but different to real communities.
Many brands and communities who use 3rd party social networks are realising they have diminishing control over who sees what content and who has access to their group membership data. They are unable to engage in the "one to one conversations" that consumers are increasingly demanding. Brands and group leaders are also becoming increasingly aware that having an engaged community is an asset that needs to be nurtured and protected. There is growing recognition that social engagement is a "two way street". Social ICE provides the mechanism to achieve this.
Over the last 2 years we have successfully established the need and demand for Social ICE and are now seeing this accelerate in line with evolutionary changes in online behaviour by consumers, groups and brands. Please contact Social Ice for further info around work we've been doing within your sector.
We give brand marketers the ability to deploy, and have full ownership and control of their own powerful independent social networks online and via their own branded downloadable apps. Uniquely, we also provide all clients with proven, easy to use, promotional and viral campaign tools along with built-in revenue generators which work together automatically to build, engage and promote their community whilst creating value, brand awareness and income.