CASE STUDY: Peugeot Prove That There's More To Rich Media

Provided by Say Media
Say Media produced an online campaign that focused on the design features & innovations of the new Peugeot 208 through AdFrames.

What was the Challenge / Background of the Campaign?

Say Media was tasked with creating a new campaign to promote the launch of the new Peugeot 208. The wider campaign, called 'Move your body', had appeared across traditional media channels using typical car marketing techniques, such as well-produced TV spots and creative print and OOH executions. Say created an immersive online campaign to compliment the more art-driven channels, and deliver information about key product benefits without departing from the look and feel of the parent campaign concept.

What was the Campaign Objective?

With the online element of the campaign, the key challenge was to communicate the design features and technical innovations that separated the Peugeot 208 from the highly competitive super-mini segment of the automotive market. The aim was to encourage viewers to associate the Peugeot brand, and the 208 in particular, with having excellent features.

What was the Solution?

Using its proprietary AdFrames platform, Say Media created a campaign that delivered a micro-site style experience within an ad unit. The unit was built around an image, which could be rotated 360 degrees by the viewer. As they spun the car around, different 'hot spot' notes appeared next to specific areas of the vehicle, such as "Engine" or "Alloys". Clicking on any of these spots revealed more information about that specific feature, with an option to click on a 'Find Out More' button, which directed consumers to the main Peugeot 208 brand site.

What were the Results?

The campaign fully delivered as contracted and also provided an additional 9,500 engagements as added value. The ad unit delivered strong reach with 17 Million free impressions and was able to keep users engaged in the ad unit for on average 35 seconds. The industry benchmark is 19 seconds for automotive campaigns. The click-to-site rate for this campaign scored 14.21% (average is 6.36%) and over 41,000 viewers clicked-to-site to learn more about the car.

What were the Key Learnings of this Campaign?

Car advertising often deals in abstracts such as the driving experience, or the kudos that comes with a particular brand, and Say Media's campaign went beyond the traditional strategy. This campaign was about features of the car, and since the existing video assets didn't respond to that brief, Say Media was able to convince the client and partner agencies that video, on this occasion, wasn't necessary to achieve the desired results.

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BudgetReach & FrequencyTarget AudienceMedia Used
Contact for detailsCar enthusiasts and potential buyers of new cars
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 54
Campaign LocationCampaign DurationMarketing ObjectiveCampaign Type
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