Using direct mail advertising to target a new generation of 20-34 year old adults still living in the family home.
High property prices, fewer marriages and the recession have led to the rise of a new generation of grown-up offspring, still living in the parental home. This research focuses on these 'fledglings', and the closely related group of 'hotel parents' (adults aged 35 and over who have grown-up children living in the household); a situation creating marketing opportunities for builders, architects and household goods brands as both groups struggle with privacy and space issues, as well as Financial brands encouraging the stay-at-homes to save for a property or a big trip.
To demonstrate the channels that this new generation respond to and to assess the impact of direct mail campaigns.
The number of adults aged 20-34 living at their parents' home has steadily increased since 2001 to reach 2.8m in 2008, leaving a highly susceptible, yet largely untapped opportunity for highly targeted direct mail. Royal Mail uses a various research surveys to assess the impact of direct mail advertising on this generation of adults still living in the parental home.
Fledglings are 77% more likely than the national average to receive less than one item of direct mail per week, which could account for why they are not considered high direct mail respondents. However, fledglings are 63% more likely than the national average to agree that 'Relevant direct mail can change my opinion of a company or brand.' and are known to be receptive to advertising and new brands with the MMC concluding that those fledglings who have received direct mail have been most likely to respond by passing it on to someone else or trying a new product or service.
The boomerang generation/fledglings are a growing proportion of the UK population, often overlooked by marketers. This audience is very under-mailed compared to the national average however they are receptive to direct mail, advertising and trying new brands. Fledglings offer a great marketing opportunity to direct mail advertisers, especially when promoting a new brand, savings products or technology products.