Over a year Golfers World & Today's Golfer reach a third of the 2 million regular golfers in the UK . Ad opportunities available
Bauer Specialist have great Golf titles for lovers of and across their portfolio such as Today's Golfer and Golf World that brands can advertise in to reach this particular sport-loving audience. The brand values of Today's Golfer are: Honesty, Passion, Unbiased, Improvement, Useful. It helps you play better and enjoy golf more. With Golf World, their brand values are: Insight, Exclusivity, Trust and Aspiration. Golf World is the gateway to golfing experts - the best coaches and players tell you how to play better.
To build awareness of your brand and reach this target audience - giving brand attitude.
There are various prices in the attachment regarding size of insertions and duration of campaign advertising e.g. half page, full page, advertorial, cover.
Please contact a member of the Bauer Specialist team for details of previous advertisers.
Over a year we reach a third of the 2 million regular golfers in the UK. Also, over a year, there are over half a million readers of the Bauer Golf portfolio who cannot be reached by our main competitor. Today's Golfer readers buy our client's products & combined, our readers spent £58m on golf gear in the last year (Bauer Research). Golf World readers influence other golfers - for example 71% provide golf advice to other golfers (Bauer Research).