Create a compelling & social product experience for users to virally propagate across Bebo. Reach over 7.5m 13 - 24 year olds.
Bebo offers the ability to host and promote bespoke applications, or reskin / sponsor existing highly popular applications. Applications are massively viral and interact with a users network of friends - challenging them, alerting them and encouraging them to engage to spread the involvement.
Creating brand ambassadors, driving engagement and spreading brand awareness. Distributing branded content, and encouraging trial, offering data capture and interaction.
Applications create sustained interaction with a brand, not just passive involvement (e.g. "Become a Fan"). Highly engaging applications can see an average of 30 minutes spent per user per month within the app.
Viral mechanisms are built right into the application platform, users become the brand's ambassador, helping to spread the word for the client
Applications create another channel for potential monetisation.
Sponsored applications are a relatively new initiative on Bebo - and as such there is limited noise and an uncrowded market place for early investors. Applications are massively successful and the growth of the iPhone platform has highlighted the appetite for viral engagement of sponsored applications
Apps are uniquely engaging, have viral mechanisms built-in, and most importantly are are highly social.
Over 21,000 applications live on Bebo right now.
86% of Active Members have apps installed.
Applications are the 3rd to 4th most popular activity on the site (behind browsing photos and profiles).
Over 200M Installs on the Bebo Applications Platform to date.
Nearly 50% of downloads come via interaction on another users profile.