Unique & targeted opportunity to sponsor all WWII programming across Discovery Channel & Discovery Knowledge.
Unique Opportunity for a brand to sponsor the WW2 programming on Discovery Channel. From the chilling Doctors of the Third Riech to London cabbie, Harry Harris' tour of Wartime London, Discovery offers a fascinating history of the atrocities and miracles of World War II. Sponsor all relevant content on Discovery.co.uk Video & Picture Galleries, Exclusive interviews and footage, Competition in conjunction with the BFI to run across on-air and on-line.
- All programming could be accredited and promoted as 'Product
X: Sponsors of World War II on Discovery'. - Sponsor 50 hours per month for five months. Full online package can also be activated on Discovery.co.uk.
This is a media first opportunity
- Unique programming sponsorship opportunity
- Media First
- Full Online activation package can also be developed