Sainsbury's were re-launching their premium Taste the Difference range. They wanted to highlight the quality of produce.
Sainsbury's were re-launching their premium Taste the Difference range. They wanted to highlight the quality of produce and the sheer variety on offer. They needed to stop Sainsbury's customers upgrading to Waitrose for special occasions by re-affirming the quality and taste credentials of this new improved range.
Stop people from moving to waitrose by raising the Taste the Difference brand image
Takeover a top London restaurant, located at the heart of fresh, good quality produce (Borough Market) and invite their executive chef to devise a special 3 course meal using only Sainsbury's Taste the Difference ingredients, to show the quality and diversity of the range whilst providing inspiration for dining at home. Telegraph readers to attend each special restaurant evening and provide feedback on their experiences. Each evening filmed for a TV show. Campaign backed up by print adverts and online presence.
Unique Users - 64,000 (against a target of 35,000). Video plays - 17,000 (great content, produced a very high number of plays). 45% recalled seeing the overall campaign (above the average recall rates). 37% recalled seeing the Weekend Cover wrap / 77% the weekly features / 32% the dedicated online hub. 70% increase in likelihood to shop at Sainsbury's, overtaking Waitrose for special occasion shopping. 54% of the reader panel survey have tried the Sainsbury's Taste the Difference range, since seeing the Telegraph Create campaign.
Using a cross-media campaign supported by a big media owner like The Telegraph can have a large effect on the consumer. By using The Telegraph your brand can tap into a large, AB & ABC1 audience and have real cut through.