To promote the intel Centrino Duo processor The Independent created a print and online campaign themed work, relax, play.
Convince consumers to shop for the best intel processor when buying a computer by shifting perceptions of what a processor does. The new mindset should be that the processor technology (i.e. intel Centrino Duo) not only makes the computer faster but invigorates and enhances the ENTIRE computing experience.
* Increase unaided awareness of intel and impact purchase decision.
* Enhance readers' understanding of the values of an intel processor .
* Demonstrate that it will have a positive impact on their lives.
We put together a campaign with print and online elements and also established a cross-promotion with PC World. In print the flip-fronted glossy style magazine identifies key ways readers can improve the way they work, rest and play, which all relate to the multiple benefits of the C2D processor. To compliment the print magazine, we produced 2 x 10minute vodcasts. These incorporate interviews with the featured celebrities within the magazine. The intel branded microsite brings all strands of the promotion together where customers can view the vodcast and enter competitions.
This campaign took advantage of the Independent's readership interest in technology, which is outstanding among national quality papers (Source: TGI July 06 - Jun 07). Making use of our talented editorial and design team we created interesting stand-alone magazines inserted in the paper which managed to drive a good number of people to the microsite. The innovative competitions and exciting prizes also helped to drive consumers to the site and should ultimately help to change buyer perceptions. Together with PC World we promoted the campaign on their website and in-store.