Tabasco ran a solus campaign on cinema in-line with on pack promotions.
Tabasco was trying to re-position their brand as an everyday product rather than a product that was used sparingly. They wanted to become a cupboard staple. To bring about these changes the aim was to gain an insight into consumers attitudes towards the Tabasco brand and it's new advertising campaign.
To test immediate and prompted recall of ad. To identify whether seeing the ad has changed perceptions of & consideration of Tabasco. To understand consumers attitudes towards the Tabasco brand and it's advertising campaign.
200 cinemagoers were recruited in cinema foyers and phoned back the next day. Respondents opted in to be contacted and it was therefore not considered to be an intrusive form of research. These interviews tested immediate and prompted recall of Tabasco's advertising and looked into whether the adverts had changed peoples perceptions of the product.
Tabasco had the highest spontaneous ad recall ever achieved over 10 years of case studies at CSA at 29% and the highest previously being 27%. Respondents also provided a highly accurate description of the ad as well as taking away the correct message. 89% of respondents correctly gave the description of the ad as 'A Mosquito explodes from Tabasco,' 16% stating the ad was 'a man eating pizza.' From these descriptions the cinemagoers took the main message as being 'It's a hot sauce' (78%) and 6% being more specific saying 'It blows you away".
Cinema provided a unique environment to showcase Tabasco and boost awareness of the brand and it's advertising. Cinemagoers agreed with the key advertising objectives that Tabasco was a fun and cheeky brand as well as being classic yet trendy. Cinema provided an environment where people became more positive towards the brand-32% felt they were more positive towards Tabasco after they had seen the ad. Tabasco have rebooked.