Mattessons use radio position the brand as an ingredient for a variety of meal solutions at key times of the day.
The pork sausage market is mature and long established, but in 2009 Mattesson's decided to increase sales by getting consumers to reconsider their Smoked Pork Sausages by positioning the brand as an ingredient for a variety of meal solutions. On the back of nationwide TV campaign, radio was added in Scotland and measurement projects were set in place to gauge the effect of the radio campaign. Radio was able to reach the food-buying target audience closer to the point of purchase, and at times of the day when meal plans were being considered.
The radio campaign ran in Scotland over three months, to dovetail with and extend the life of the nationwide TV campaign. The radio creative work was strongly allied to the TV advertising, focusing on the role of the brand as an ingredient in imaginative meal solutions.
By the end of the campaign, 64% of Scottish shoppers saw Mattesson's Smoked Pork Sausages as either the first choice brand, or a brand that was seriously considered, this was up 10% on the previous year. They also saw the brand as more versatile than ordinary sausages (63% compared to 50%).
"Using radio to maintain a high frequency of meal suggestions following our TV campaign really drove reappraisal of SPS as an all purpose tasty ingredient - our purchase frequency over the campaign period was impressive" Francois Boulard, Mattesson's. RAB Commentary: An impressive result to achieve in such a mature market.