Package of airtime within the late night American sport coverage on Five -highlights include basketball, ice hockey and baseball
Five showcases the best in US sport on a daily basis on Five. The coverage includes baseball, ice hockey, NFL, basketball, Nascar, USPGA golf as well as the Major League Soccer (MLS). Five are offering a package of spot advertising within this genre of programming.
The US sport strand on Five offers an opportunity to communicate with a male audience at a low cost entry price.
Any advertiser who undertakes this package will benefit from a 4 week 25 spot package. This channel has a 16-34 men Television Rating (tvr) of 7.5 or 530,000 impacts, based on an average cost per thousand (cpt) for the year.
We have many advertisers who use our US sport strand including Budweiser, Nintendo, American Airlines and Snickers among others.
This package of spot advertising offers advertisers a low cost entry point to communicate with a young male audience in a sporting environment.