This summer pubs, bars and clubs will be full of football fans watching the 2010 World Cup.
Opportunity to expose your brand alongside the biggest football event of the year. This summer pubs, bars and clubs will be full of football fans watching the 2010 World Cup. Sky Pub Sports are offering advertisers the opportunity to specifically target pub goers by advertising on an out of home feed on Sky Sports News.
Build awareness of your brand and become associate with quality sports coverage.
The World Cup Report, scheduled 6 times every day will include up to the minute news and reports directly from South Africa. With 2 spots every hour throughout the World Cup, your brand will have full coverage throughout the world cup on Sky Sports News. At least 26 spots per day / 806 for duration of the World Cup.
This is a brand new opportunity. Would benefit brands from all backgrounds and industry
- Focuses on the nations obsession with sport
- Great way to target younger audiences
- Sky Sports offers a great way to reach targeted audiences as well as an essential part of an integrated programme sell
-At least 26 spots per day / 806 for duration of the World Cup.