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Do you have relevant opportunities to match popular searches?

During Q3 2013 our most popular searches by media were as follows:

Non-traditional Outdoor 785 searches
Outdoor 836 searches
Magazines 698 searches
Online 852 searches
National Press 532 searches
791 searches
Radio 562 searches
Sponsorship 980 searches
Mobile 853 searches
Direct Marketing
237 searches
Experiential 548 searches

During Q3 2013 our most popular searches by age/ affinity group were as follows:

Men 25 - 35yrs 399 searches
Lads 16 - 24yrs 538 searches
Young women 543 searches
Families 391 searches
Sports Fans 689 searches
Housewives 525 searches
Kids 469 searches
ABC1 Women 204 searches
Ethnic Media
212 searches

During Q2 2013 popular searches for which users would benefit from more ideas include:

Direct Response 181 searches
Events and exhibitions 322 searches
Seasonal e.g. Xmas, St Patricks Day & World Cup 356 searches
Ideas £0k - £50k 222 searches

If you have opportunities to match these categories, contact Richard at to discuss getting them uploaded - call 08450 557 269 or e-mail: Statistics

Last Updated: 1 July 2024
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