Title Sponsorship of The Masters Polo at rock legend Kenney Jones' Polo Club. Kenney Jones drummer for The Faces and The Who.
Rare opportunity for Title sponsorship of The Masters Polo Tournament at Hurtwood Park on 11th May. This is a high Goal tournament and one of the premier events in the Polo calender attracting a stellar crowd of celebrities, VIPs,wealthy patrons and world-class players. The club is expecting over 10,000 spectators which will include a host of well-known faces from around the world.Added to which a prize fund of £50,000 which is not only unique but a FIRST in the history of British Polo.
Title sponsorship will provide a company or brand with a unique platform to communicate with exclusive AB1 audience. Brand awareness will be enhanced through extensive media coverage,coverage on SKY Sports and word of mouth as a partnership will maximise all potential PR and marketing streams to make this a key date in the sporting and social calendar.
Title sponsorship provides full naming rights, branding on billboards and 45m2 digital screen, advertising in event brochure, club website, trade stands and hospitality plus many other opportunities.
The following brands have enjoyed hospitality at Hurtwood Park Polo Club:
Porsche, Merrill Lynch, OK Magazine, Champagne Pommery,Ebel, Carphone Warehouse, Lotus, Aspreys. Jaguar, Mandarin Oriental, Kuoni, Land Rover, British Airways, Ford, Mango Bay.
Title sponsor of event. Title sponsor of High Goal Team, Corporate Hospitality, Official Partner package, Billboard advertising package at club, Goal Post branding, Digitial screen advertising, editorial and branding in club brochure.