Scout Association celebrate their centenary with a World Jamboree, the largest event held in the UK prior to the 2012 Olympics.
A series of centenary events being held in 2007 are available to sponsor. Events include the 10 day World Scout Jamboree in July, a Pop Concert for Scouts in June, to the Festival of Scouting family event in November. Bespoke marketing packages will give sponsors unique access to various audiences. Event sponsors will have the opportunity to meet 100's of thousands of children face to face, influence, interact and offer them samples in one location. The Scout Association provide sponsors with access to 450,000 Scouts, 800,000 parents and 80,000 Scout Leaders.
All of the events offer the opportunity to raise brand awareness, trial product, sell product, interact and receive instant feedback from children, as well as reaching key adult purchasers and purse string holders i.e parents and Scout Leaders. Each event will attract a different audience i.e. World Scout Jamboree will be attended mainly by children, the Pop Concert attended by Scout Troops and Festival of Scouting designed for the whole family. Each event will focus on a variety of activities including sports, entertainment, environment, personal skills and education.
Sponsors can use the event to promote their brand, provide product or equipment, give away samples, sell product, launch a new product, take exhibition space or set up an interactive zone. The majority of the sponsorship opportunites will be unique and exclusive to the client sponsoring. In consultation they will be designed to achieve the key objectives of the client. No sponsorship idea is a bad one, even the most outrageous will be considered (as long as it is legal, honest and decent!).
Testimonial from Ford Motor Company "By aligning ourselves with such a trusted and well-regarded youth and family movement, we have been able to succesfully reinforce our core brand values in our target marketplace. We have also sparked the interest of a future Ford generation." Director of Commercial Vehicles.
Past sponsors include Sainsbury's, Britvic Fruit Shoots, Mattel, Volvo, John Lewis, Ordnance Survey, 20th Century Fox, Jessops and Millets. Testimonials from all of our clients can be viewed in the marketing pack.
The 2007 Centenary will include events that children and adults in the UK will remember for the rest of their lives. This is a unique opportunity to be linked with both an historic event and the second most trusted association in the UK.
There will not be another event of this size in the UK until the 2012 Olympics. This is the untimate opportunity to influence, interact and communicate with 100's of thousands of receptive children (not to mention the parents and the Scout Leaders) in a positive and upbeat environment.
Influence a whole new generation of consumers.