High impact Traincard panels inside trains which delivers high cover & frequency among ABC1 commuter audience.
KBH provide high quality advertising opportunities on thousands of train carriages operating across the London,South East and Southern region. In-carriage Traincard advertising reaches a large, affluent audience at one of the lowest cost per thousand of all the main media. Regularly included on the schedules of major outdoor advertisers, train advertising delivers exceptionally strong frequency with more than a million residents engaged in repetitive commuting behaviour.
Awareness, familiarity, interest, image, trial, repeat, retention
Over 40,000 traincard panels in over 4,000 carriages. Large upmarket audience. Long dwell times, high frequency, low cpt, web/mob access allows time for Direct Response. Adds 25% cover to a tube card campaign
Over the past 12 months, major advertisers on trains include: Unilever, P&G, BA, Actimel, The Times, Ford, Sky, Mercedes, Vodafone, T-Mobile, Orange, Monarch Airlines, Moneysupermarket.com, Swiftcover, Prudential and many more ... For an extensive list, visit our website at: www.kbhtransportmedia.co.uk
Traincard advertising delivers exceptionally strong cover and frequency among affluent commuters and other heavy rail users, with over 2.5 million passengers each month.Over 4,000 new and refurbished carriages have been introduced to the network over the last 5 years, providing a fresh context for display advertising that is welcomed by passengers. Traincards also deliver engagement in a captive environment - where average dwell times exceed 22 minutes - providing superb opportunities to develop greater detail in your message.