Title sponsorship of all Essex CCC home Nat West Pro 40 matches (4) for the 2008 season and beyond.
Nat West Pro40 is a one day match tournament with each side facing a total of 40 overs. The matches at Chelmsford are played on week days under floodlights and commence at 4.40pm and the festival matches - Southend and Colchester are played on a Sunday commencing at 1.45pm. These matches attract in the region of 4,000 spectators and the two Chelmesford matches are to be broadcast on Sky Sports.
Brand awareness can be achieved through sampling opportunities at all Nat West Pro40 matches together with acknowledgement of the sponsorship on all Nat West Pro40 marketing materials, match day programmes, match day announcements, Essex CCC website, advertising boards and corporate hospitality if required.
'The sponsor will be known as 'name of company Essex Nat West Pro40 tournament sponsors for 2008. All spectators and corporate guests will be made aware of the sponsorship through the programme, website, announcements and other marketing materials leading up to the event.
Amlin Insurance, Enterprise Rent A Car.
A prime opportunity for a company to become Essex tournament sponsors of this exciting one day format of cricket which is currently being hailed as Twenty20's big brother. With the television cameras being at the ground for the two Chelmsford fixtures there is also an opportunity for your company to have a presence on the replay big screen that will be at the ground for these two games. Together with the match day acknowledgements there is the opportunity to have advertising boards for the season, corporate hospitality and a presence on our very popular website.