A unique environment for advertisers to communicate to an affluent, captive audience of over 4.9 million passengers every month.
Ink produces the inflight magazine, the easyJet Traveller, a smart, contemporary travel magazine published monthly and available across multiple destinations in every seatback on every plane. With a captive audience of over 4.9million passengers every month, it carries lifestyle, destination and business features reflecting easyJet's passnengers and their ensuring engagement. With coverage across 182 aircraft, operated over 500 routes serving 120 key destinations, brands have the opportunity to reach a vast ABC1 audience - 72% of their customer base.
The magazine mixes informative destination guides with strong reportage and lifestyle coverage, all of which provide the airline with a rich source of material for social media feeds. Stories embrace a fun and unique outlook, championing cutting-edge design and destination-focused editorial covering travel, sports, business and lifestyle. The PPA suggests 16% of people visit a website after seeing an advert in a magazine. With a passenger profile of 74% ABC1 and coverage of 40% Business passengers on London routes, the magazines offers unrivalled coverage.
Display page advertisements will create significant coverage and frequency at an extremely low cost per thousand. Brands can take advantage of the following magazine space: -Double Page Spread. -Full Page. -Half Page. -Quarter Page -Inside Front Cover. -Inside Back Cover. In addition regional targeting can be applied through online and print at home boarding passes which can also use gender and destination targeting.
Past and currnet advertiers include, Peugeot, Hilton Hotels, Jaguar , Land Rover, Tissot, Omega, Next, Sandals, Macarthur Glen, Visit Wales, Remy Conitreau, Verbier tourist Board, Moulin Rouge, Fiat, TOM TOM, IBIS Hotels, Ingersoll watches, Vodafone
With coverage close to 2 million ABC1 25-54 year olds the magazine offers a high volume, low cost advertising route. With each monthly piece of activity the cumulative coverage of this audience increases, which no other media can match. It allows the audience to absorb the message in a relaxed yet alert environment free from the everyday distractions other media suffer from. Our consumers are already keen holiday makers and business travelers in a prime environment to take in brand messaging, particularly when relating to further leisure and travel opportunities.