Title & major branding sponsorship opportunities via Live for television event, shown in the UK & syndicated internationally
The current promoters of the British Rally Championship, UK Rally are planning to run a LIVE, made for television motorsport competition encapsulating the dynamics and accessibility of rallying. The live TV event will clash the best of World, British and European drivers, each dueling over a exhilarating forest stage arena with big jumps and water splashes, timed to 100th of a second. Attaining speeds in excess of 100 mph, the TV event provides comprehensive track side branding, corporate entertainment packages, an easily accessible venue and spectacle for motorsport fans
To raise brand awareness and influence consumer perception by building fame through big brand behavior. Affiliate your brand values with the prestige of a live British motor sport event, use it's power and emotional exhilaration to harness promotional opportunities across wide ranging media whilst reaching a large attending fan base. This event offers opportunities for live interaction and engagement, sampling and endorsements, competitions and corporate entertainment, the chance for a brand to be associated with a dynamic and most thrilling of motor sport spectacles.
High profile and prominent branding will be integrated into a Live for television staged event. In addition, pre and post event promotional media activities include TV, local radio, press, on-line, extensive social media, mobile app, signage, print and competitions. Full impact of brand exposure will be via extensive trackside branding for the Live TV event and estimated 15,000 attending audience. The TV will be broadcast Live in the UK, and along with the syndication of additional coverage, the opportunity provides a worldwide reach of over 800 million homes.
Event sponsorship in the British Rally Championship has provided title rights and branding packages for Pirelli, Tesco, Dulux, Stena Ferries, John Mills and Rothmans all benefited from the extensive regional and national coverage.
Become the title sponsor and/or one of a limited number of major partners in this live for TV, one hour, action-packed motor sport event. The event itself is expected to attract fan attendance 15,000, male ABC1s, of which 45% are aged between 16 and 30, 33% between 31 and 45 with a 73/27% male/female split (on the increase). Major brand coverage and presence is provided via significant track side banners, media association, branding on websites, the cars, teams and drivers. Product exclusivity is offered via money can't buy corporate experience and team building programmes