smp and their PromoSignature tool can play a pivotal role in helping brands maximise promotional ROI. Find out more here.
Up to now it's been hard to know just how each brand's customers react to promotions in general and the different types of promotions. In a four month study led by the Future Foundation, and sponsored by smp and 8 other organisations, PromoFutures interviewed thousands of shoppers across Great Britain. As a result, Future Foundation established PromoTypes - the first segmentation based on promotional responsiveness.
To establish a way in which marketers can maximise their ROI from promotional activities.
smp's unique PromoSignature™ tool applies key insights from this study, informing brand owners as to the specific behavioural characteristics of their shoppers including: promotional responsiveness, preferred promotional mechanics, offers and media routes for each group.
smp has used its findings, expertise and experience to create 'Maximising Promotional ROI', a free white paper available for download. This looks in depth at the issues facing marketers in generating the best possible promotional results, recommends some possible approaches and introduces the capabilities of PromoSignature.
smp and its PromoSignature tool can play a pivotal role in helping brands build highly effective promotional strategies.