Take advantage of this opportunity get your brand in front of the UK's most receptive audience-Good Morning Britain and Lorraine
Thinking of taking up a new hobby? Get some inspiration, Do something different and get started with our top hobby themed promotion.
Take advantage of this opportunity to get your brand in front of the UK's largest most receptive audience of Good Morning Britain and Lorraine with our ultimate Hobby competition. Be involved in our 3 week long Hobby related promotion reaching over 2 million unique users of the ITV websites for Good Morning Britain and Lorraine.
> Data Capture
> Brand Awareness
> Quantifiable Return on Investment
> Increase Sales
> Promote an Offer
Talk to users of ITV websites for Good Morning Britain and Lorraine and make your brand message come alive for three whole weeks with 250 words of copy, 2 images, 1 logo, 2 URL's and an optional 2-3 min long video. You will also receive data capture for your own use in your own future marketing.
Hundreds of the UK best known brands as well as smaller up coming brands that want to get their products in the spotlight and to push their brand to the max!
> Online for 3 weeks
> Data capture for use in your own future marketing
> Reach the audience of ITV Good Morning Britain and Lorraine
> 74% ABC1 Demographic
> Archived for Maximum Search engine optimisation
> Just £2.5k per brand. No min prize value