Global Gathering dance event is an excellent opportunity to align your brand with 000s of progressive, loyal & affluent 18-34s.
Global Gathering is the only UK Dance festival that is run over 2 full days with camping facilities. It has evolved from humble beginnings into a phenomenally successful heavyweight on the festival circuit. It now has 7 years of heritage, growing in size every year as more and more clubs, record labels and international DJs are drawn to the event. This years headline acts include Moby and Mark Ronson.
Transference of brand values - give brand attitude, increase loyalty and frequency of purchase.
It is our intent that Global Gathering will be as much about the line-up as the theatrical and visual aspects of the event. The sponsorship opportunities will include: Rights to event entitlement and creation of integrated logo, Integration within the TV treatment, Feature Experiential Area with best positioning at event, Branding and signage, Logo inclusion in all print media, Integration of logo online, Cross promotional opportunities, Merchandising opportunites and Ticketing programmes.
Previous Global Gathering sponsors include Red Bull, Strongbow and Coca Cola.
Global Gathering is officially the largest attended dance based event in the UK, this is an excellent opportunity to align your brand with a progressive, loyal and affluent audience. Cross promotional opportunities associated with this opportunity will be tailored to leverage association and generate sales / awareness of your brand and the fantastic 55,000 18-34 audience will give you access to focus groups and data capture.