Dynamic, interactive virtual world for 5-12 year olds!

Provided by WebbliWorld
WebbliWorld is a Virtual World, Search Engine, Broadcaster, Social Network - the perfect hybrid site for young children

Tell us about the Opportunity / What is it?

WebbliWorld is a dynamic virtual world encouraging safe social interaction between children around the globe. It is the home of Webblis - a colourful array of quirky, mischievous characters who not only star in their own animations, but are on a mission to save the planet by promoting positive values such as healthy eating, regular exercise and concern for the environment. Webblis act as SearchBuddies, guiding children safely around the mind boggling maze of the internet, offering solutions and pointing them in the direction of fun, facts and positive information.

What is the Marketing Objective?

WebbliWorld offers amazing opportunities to buy, rent or franchise some of the most appealing virtual real estate on the net. This ranges from sponsoring specific virtual assets such as furniture, household items or clothing for user's' ecologically sound WebbliPods, to sponsorship of entire WebbliHubs and WebbliZones, such as a sports stadium, rain forest, restaurant, academy or farm. WebbliWorld can also organize branded events, newsletters, games, animations and characters.

How does it work?

Currently visitors can create a Webbli Avatar, chat, watch cartoons, store and share their favourite websites, follow links to recommended sites, play games, catch up on world news and, of course, earn WebbliWonga - the virtual currency of WebbliWorld! Phase 2 plans promise to provide a richer, broader user experience. There will be virtual cinemas, sports stadia, shopping malls, theatres, banks, libraries, cafes and even schools in which Webbli avatars will be able to watch, read, socialize, perform, compete, learn and shop.

Who's used it in the past?

WebbliWorld clients include WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature), Puffin Books, EcoTricity, 20th Century Fox, Our overriding concern for the planet and the welfare of children means that we are seeking to form partnerships with companies and organizations that have something positive to offer, that will enrich the lives of our audience. Responsible companies and organizations may also be invited to 'own' a particular area of the world. It will be possible to place and use products, commission a Webbli animation or interactive game featuring a bespoke character and message.

Features / Benefits

Designed by world renowned Aardman Animations (creators of the irrepressible Wallace & Gromit) WebbliWorld exudes quality of design, quality of content and quality of partnerships . This strong brand identity will enable WebbliWorld to grow into a world leader as a broadcaster, search engine and virtual world. By delivering fabulous, dynamic content we can offer our audience user experiences that are second to none while our advertisers' benefit from targeted marketing opportunites and the long term loyalty of both children and their parents.

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Guide PriceReach & FrequencyTarget AudienceMedia Types
£0 to £50kBoys and girls 5 - 12 years old
0 - 9Both
Kids HH
LocationTimingsMarketing ObjectiveOpportunity Type
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