Free Admission for Contagious and Idea Gallery 'Do or Die Idea Showcase' on 26/03/13 in London.
Contagious is excited to announce 'Do or Die', a partnership with Idea Gallery. Founded in early 2012, Idea Gallery has been helping consumer-facing brands develop new products and brilliant marketing propositions that can disrupt entire categories and create new revenues by turning the idea-finding process on its head. Contagious are collaborating on a London event on Tuesday 26th March to showcase several ideas. We're inviting brand managers and marketers from to apply for a (free) ticket to a one and a half hour session.
To be inspired by the ground-breaking ideas that set new benchmarks in marketing communication.
We're inviting you to apply for a (free) ticket to one of three 90 minute sessions. At each session you'll be welcomed by Idea Gallery co-founder, John Kane, as well as hear from Contagious' co-founder and editorial director, Paul Kemp-Robertson and be shown 6-8 ground-breaking ideas. There will be food, drinks and networking opportunities with like-minded people in the industry, as well as Contagious consultants.
One of the flagship projects is hugely successful Hungry Mondays, where Sydney restaurant kitchens produce high quality, slow-cooked food on the typically quieter days between Monday and Wednesday, which are then sold as vacuum-sealed portions around the city.
It's an opportunity for you to be inspired by game-changing ideas that could benefit your business. Meet with like-minded individuals from the industry as well as members of the Contagious Insider team.