Efficient Frontier & Yahoo! collaborate to deliver customers highly targeted ads that drove sales for Travelzoo.
Travelzoo is a leading global publisher gathering over 2,000 companies worldwide who list their travel, entertainment and local deals on the website. Travelzoo is a key client for its agency Efficient Frontier as well as Yahoo!, running a high performance paid search strategy in partnership on Yahoo! Search. The challenge was to take performance to a new level by increasing click share in the Travel space, driving ROI for Travelzoo whilst maintaining its target Cost Per Order (CPO). The focus was set to be on the core campaigns, named SuperSearch.
To increase performance of paid search.
The established, strong relationship between Efficient Frontier and Yahoo! was the foundation block for scaling the Travelzoo campaign. In addition, it was Efficient Frontier's Bid Optimisation technology that was a key enabler in getting the campaign optimisations implemented. By working in collaboration, Yahoo! was able to deliver customers highly targeted ads, generating relevant traffic that drove superior conversion and sales for Travelzoo.
The outcomes of this collaboration were highly positive:- Click-outs, the metric used to determine users finding a deal on Travelzoo and clicking to the Travel Agent to convert, grew by 947 per cent over two years. - The Cost Per Order (CPO) rate, a key campaign efficiency measure, remained flat, a great reflection on enhanced listing relevance with such a dramatic improvement in the click-out rate.
Aligning TravelZoo campaign activity to Yahoo! Search Marketing best practice and implementing Efficient Frontier's Bid Optimisation technology was a partnership that powered TravelZoo performance. Productive collaboration in the management and optimisation of the campaign defined its own new best practice for Yahoo! and Efficient Frontier. And that new way of doing business delivered better business for TravelZoo, who could make the most of the high quality traffic offered by Yahoo! Search and take market share at the same time.