Learn from the most successful SMS application on British TV - encourage mass interaction with broadcast medium for your brand.
The opportunity is to drive interaction via SMS. Who Wants to be a Millionaire is one of the most successful TV formats in the world, screened in over 90 countries across the globe and with prime time Saturday night viewing in the UK (8m viewers / night). Mobile phone interaction was introduced to retain the high levels of interest established and to significantly increase involvement and participation - extending the experience to the audience at home.
Retention of viewers , loyalty and interaction
It is a text and win mechanic, with consumers encouraged to play along with the show by texting in the answer to the question the on-air contestant has failed or chosen not to answer. It's brutal simplicity means taking part is really easy and the experience and integrity of the show is maintained as, just like the show, the fastest answer wins the £1,00 cash prize!
SMS interaction with broadcast TV has been used by many major brands including BBC Test the Nation, Sky1, ITV. The BBC DoNation campaign was a week long campaign run by BBC and UK Transplant to raise awareness and issues around the subject. It demonstrated how phenomenally powerful and persuasive interactivity can be with 10,000 viewers using Yoomedia's return path to sign up to carry a Donor Card.
Interaction rates increased by 70% following the introduction of the mobile applictaion and mobile now accounts fore 50% of all interactions with the show. Moving from landline to mobile format was instrumental in retaining the audience interest as well as introducing new, younger consumers. This proves that by adding a mobile dimension to your campaign you can broaden your appeal and generate more immediate and higher response levels.