Lidl used cinema to grab the attention of consumers at Christmas and to associate with the quality of the cinema environment
Lidl wanted to grab the attention of consumers at Christmas with a campaign that reinforced its motto: good quality food for less and needed to find a way to stand out from the crowd.
The creative showcased the quality that Lidl offers with a twist that aimed to make consumers feel differently about the brand.
The campaign continued its #LidlSurprises strategy - giving people free unlabelled food before revealing that the luxurious produce came from the budget supermarket.
To grab the attention of Lidl's target demographic of adults 16-45 and to reinforce its motto: good quality food for less.
Cinema was chosen to reach the younger end of Lidl's target demographic on Adults 16-45. Cinema would also enable the messaging of the creative to resonate more deeply with the audience compared to other media on the schedule.
The core creative message of the quality of Lidl's produce dovetailed perfectly with the quality environment that cinema offers, allowing the advert to build in front of the audience before delivering the #LidlSurprises message at its conclusion.
Those exposed to the cinema ad are 45% more likely to say Lidl is the only supermarket they would consider / the supermarket they would consider above others. Increased interest: 53% of respondents had an increased interest in the brand after seeing the ad at the cinema
Increased positivity: 55% of respondents say that their opinion of Lidl has improved after seeing the ad at the cinema. Increased consideration: 21% of respondents are more
likely to consider the brand after seeing the ad at the cinema.
• Cinema increased advertising awareness and recognition, demonstrating how the Cinema works alongside TV in delivering additional reach and creative cut-through
• The ability of cinema to engage viewers led to increases in brand
interest and perception. Consideration of Lidl grew as a result of
the Cinema activity.