Sales increase for mayonnaise brand's trolleys that inspire Brazilian shoppers in-store
Hellmann's wanted to target shoppers as they were in-store and seeking inspiration for upcoming meals, so it introduced the Hellmann's Recipe Cart. This intelligent trolley recognises ingredients on supermarket shelves so, as the shopper is deciding what to purchase, it suggests a new recipe that incorporates Hellmann's on the spot.
When Brazilians think of mayonnaise, they consider it as a sandwich filling, so Unilever-owned mayonnaise brand Hellmann's wanted to inspire them to think beyond that single use of its product. As the market-leading brand, Hellmann's wanted to show how it can enhance meat, pasta and fish dishes, as well as accompanying potatoes and salads.
The Recipe Cart, which bolts onto the front of the trolley so it is right in front of customers as they move through the store, also includes a map so that people can easily locate other items that might be needed for a particular recipe. The cart uses RFID and LCD screens to make suggestions for customers, and shoppers can also browse recipes through the screen as well as share them via email.
In the first month, 45,000 people experienced the Recipe Cart, helping to boost sales of Hellmann's mayonnaise by 68%. Thousands of recipes were shared and Unilever had several requests about the tech from other retail chains.
The relatively low cost of installing this system allows it to be implemented across a number of stores while offering the potential of an extremely high ROI. It keeps the brand front-of-mind while shoppers are making purchasing decisions, and amplifies the message that Hellman's is a versatile condiment.