Advertising opportunities to target the mature audience of 60+ adults, but also a wider audience of people who enjoy knitting
Established in 1869, The People's Friend is a well loved and recognised magazine on the UK newsstand. Following on from the success of the main weekly magazine, The People's Friend is producing a series of themed Specials to be sold at all the major retailers in 2010.
Build awareness of the brands amongst the mature market.
Knitting - Made Easy will be a 48 page magazine with a high production glossy cover and will primarily target the mature audience of 60+ adults who read The People's Friend, but will also appeal to a wider audience of people who enjoy knitting and are looking for fantastic new knitting ideas.
There are various opportunities to advertise within The People's Friend Special: Knitting - Made Easy. We're very flexible and able to accommodate the client's needs, please get in touch to discuss your requirements.
Previous advertisers in The People's Friends specials are Flowercard, High Tech Health and Clifford James
Older adults generally feel ignored by the marketing industry, however they account for over half of the UK's saving and 40% of consumer demand, making them a lucrative consumer group. Advertise to this targeted group through a trusted environment and you can reach our loyal readers who will have confidence in your products.