Sub TV is the soundtrack to Freshers operating as a full audio interactive music channel advertising to 18-24s across the UK
Freshers is the key moment for our 70+ venues across the UK each year. With 500,000+ new students experiencing University for the first time it provides a key moment with our venues at their highest capacity with events running constantly. Sub TV are the only AV network broadcaster offering a pure 18-24 incremental audience. Working as a regular music video channel with ad breaks every 15 minutes allowing brands to advertise alongside the latest music videos eliciting a strong emotional response.
Sub TV presents a unique opportunity with an audience of 1.2 million engaged 18-24 adults who are increasingly hard to reach with traditional media. Freshers creates an event like atmosphere in our venues with the footfall being on average 73% higher during the first two weeks. Brands can leverage this increased footfall along with the ability to create strong associations between the brand and this exciting formative period.
Sub TV are officially 3rd party accredited by RSMB being the first AVOOH broadcaster to have this gold standard accreditation.
The channel operates as a regular music video channel with scheduled ad breaks every 15 minutes. The channel always operates with full audio. Additionally, our Sub TV App allows students to request songs in their selected venue creating a strong engagement with the screens and increasing the dwell time in venues.
Sub TV has been used by a broad range of large and small brands across a wide range of industries. These include brands such as McDonalds, KFC, Sainsburys, Asda, ALDI, Vodafone, PepsiCo, Universal Theatrical, Boots, Currys, Google and Unilever.
• Provide incremental cover to AV plan for one of the hardest to reach demographics.
• Opportunity to reach students during a key moment in their calendar.
• Shared Viewing experience creates conversations about the brands being advertised.
• Pure 18-24 audience with no wastage.
• The Audience are making their first time brand choices meaning they are at a pivotal time for brands to reach them.
• No HFSS restrictions & Self-Regulated: allows advertisers greater flexibility and creative freedom through TV.