Bebo offers the opportunity for brands to reskin our homepage for key launches and events.
Opportunity for brands to reskin the Bebo homepage for a high impact campaign that can seed video content, applications etc.
Creating brand awareness, driving engagement. Distributing branded content, and encouraging trial, offering data capture and interaction.
The client provides simple imagery video content etc - and we reskin the homepage for 24 hours. This usually links through to the Clients Bebo profile - but for a premium we can link directly to a third party website.
EA Games, Disney, iTunes, Universal Films, Sony Ericsson, Orange, O2, Lionsgate, COI, Disney, Neutrogena, Unilever, Proctor and Gamble.
Mass impact to a hard to reach audience. Recent campaigns have delivered anywhere from 10,000 - 40,000 clicks in just one day.