The View websites are online entertainment guides to cities around the UK covering restaurants, pubs, bars and nightclubs
Opportunity to advertise across web and mobile on View Group. The View websites are online entertainment guides to cities around the UK covering restaurants, pubs, bars, nightclubs, festivals and attractions. The View sites have 11 channels - Home, View Card (members), Restaurants, Pubs and Bars, Clubs, Cinema, Tickets, What's on, Hotels, Experience and Festivals.
Advertise your brand within a trusted environment on both web and mobile - The site ranked 2nd in the Experian Hitwise Top 10 Awards 2011! Awards are based on market share of UK visits a website has received throughout 2011.
Advertising is present throughout the whole user experience - when the consumer is online planning their activities and also when the consumer is travelling to the venue/event checking the address/timings on their mobile.
Capital FM; The Hangover Part 2; The National Maritime Museum
Standard advertising available on web - MPU, Skyscraper, Banner, Fireplace plus integrated opportunities such as Homapage Takeovers, Channel Takeovers and Newsletters. Rich media formats also exist plus splash page on mobile.