An editorially driven product across all Trinity Mirror Evening titles with potential to link to non TM titles via Amra.
This is a brand new bespoke initiative to target all adult car owners / potential car owners and enthusiasts. The opportunity is there to capitalise on a central "daily title" approach encompassing editorial / promotions/sponsorship across press online & Interactive.
To communicate car marques and relevant businesses to this lucrative market.
To capitalise on the multi platform and informative approach of editorial and promotions encompassing press, online and interactive as a package.
This is a new initiative, watch this space for updates !
This initiative provides a centralised approach both editorially and commercially. This is an editorially driven product across all Trinity Mirror Evening titles with potential to link to non Trinity Mirror titles via Amra. This product reaches all adult car owners/ potential owners or enthusiasts. We can reach over 1 million adults in this marketplace weekly.