An excellent opportunity to target 126,000 UK Chinese adults, of which 20% are business owners and 48% are ABC1.
ZMTV represents the top Chinese & Japanese channels in the UK:
Phoenix Chinese News and Entertainment, Japan Satellite Television Europe, TVBS - The Chinese Channel. Advertising on these channels offers an excellent opportunity to target 126,000 UK Chinese adults, of which 20% are business owners and 48% are ABC1.
Build Awareness of your brand in a targeted environment.
Airtime sold by cost per spot, packages, or sponsorships.
DFS, Audemar Piguet, Digital UK, Western Union and many more have previously advertised on these Chinese and Japanese Channels.
Satellite and cable-delivered channels offering advertisers supreme efficiency in reaching targeted sectors of the UK and/or European television audience. For more details please ask for individual mediapacks.