York City FC is a club with unique heritage. It's passionate fan base and large population footprint offer great brand options.
York City FC is a club with unique heritage. It's passionate fan base and community club ownership offers great brand options. Currently the club is in the Nationwide Conference, but has apirations to climb two leagues in the medium term and increase its average attendence from 2,740 to 4,000. A well organised club, YCFC offers numerous ways of getting involved via sponsorship, hospitality, programme and perimeter board advertising. We have the in house capability to ensure your objectives are met at a local level.
Brand Awareness tends to be the key objecitive for sponsors of the club,.
We offer a wide range of tailored packages to suit your objectives and budget from £ 1,000 to £ 60,000.
We can maximise your brand exposure through perimeter advertising, programme advertising, sponsorship opportunities, online, PR and hospitality.
Nestle, SKF,GNER, John Smith and Hunters Estate Agents. For instance, Fitness First have used the cub assocation via hospitality, branding and half time events to recruit new members to their clubs.
A local club with a high population catchment. Pricing to match your obejctives and budget. Dedicated team to work with you to reach your objectives. Football club at the heart of an influential city. Brand awareness through boards and programmes. increased loyalty through fans involvement, Hospitality and improved access to players and manager from the ONLY professional full time sports club in North Yorkshire!