Opportunity to target 16-34 year old men and associate your brand with the remake of a classic 1980's blockbuster.
Described as one of the greatest television events of the 1980s, the American alien invasion blockbuster 'V' saw more than 10 million people tune in for its UK debut back in 1983. That's one of the biggest audiences ever for a SCI-FI launch - even premieres of modern hits such as LOST and HEROES haven't managed to attract that many Brits to their TV sets. Now, 25 years later, they're back in a stunning remake that looks set to eclipse the success of its predecessor! The 12 part series is coming to British audiences exclusively on the SCI FI channel in 2010.
Raise brand awareness, target an Abc1 Male 16-44 audience characterised by early adopters, technology lovers and passive pioneers.
Sponsorship of V is currently on offer to advertisers. The series will run over 12 episodes with 2 repeats of each across SCI FI, SCI FI+1 and SCI FI HD. The sponsor will receive 2 x 10-15 second opening and closing credits plus 2 x 5 second break bumpers per centre break. There are approximately 3 centre breaks per 1 hour programme, equating to approximately 288 sponsorship credits in total.
This is a brand new series however Swiftcover have previously sponsored programming on SCI FI.
SCI FI reaches an average of 2.8 million viewers per week in the UK. 39% are aged 16-34. 43% of SCI FI viewers are ABC1 and the profile is 50:50 Men and Women. SCI FI is the only channel 100% dedicated to the world's most popular genre - science fiction. Science Fiction programming delivers large and loyal audiences. The show premiered in the States to 14 million.